Saturday, July 26, 2014

Andy's Node Tutorial Part 1.5: Asynchronous Code for the Slothful

So, for this tutorial, I am going to explain a very important concept for Node.js development, asynchronous code.

Asynchronous code is important to understand in Node.  It's used everywhere, and it's a part of a lot of the buzzwords you hear about why Node is so awesome, namely nonblocking I/O.  I won't be talking about how it's implemented in this part of the tutorial since I find that for getting started with this concept, programming with asynchronous code lets the concept speak for itself.  That being said, this concept is everywhere in Node, so once you have a good sense of how it's used, there are a lot of tutorials on how asynchronous JavaScript works, so at the end of this tutorial I will be linking to some tutorials that I recommend reading for a more in-depth understanding of how asynchronous code works.

For this tutorial, we're mostly going to take a break from HTTP servers and try out this code from the command line.  But not to worry, as the title implies, there will be sloths in this tutorial, as well as some great artwork from Sally Lee!

Also, one other thing before we start, as you will see in this tutorial, callback functions are everywhere in Node.  If you don't understand callbacks or you need to brush up on how to use them, I recommend this tutorial on callbacks at JavaScript is Sexy.

Anyway, as you've probably heard, Node.js is known for being fast, but surprisingly, Node is single-threaded, which basically means it can only do one thing at a time.  This doesn't seem like much of a selling point, but because of the use of asynchronous code for slow stuff like file I/O and interacting with databases makes it so that as the slower code is being run, the one thread can keep going, making that one thread really fast.  This is important because if the thread gets held up, and that thread is being used to serve your web app, everyone has to wait for the thread to finish the processes keeping it from continuing, so we want to make sure the slower processes don't hold up the thread so we can keep that kind of waiting in the era of scratchy dial-up tones (even though that sound was kinda awesome).

But enough of me talking about what this asynchronous code is used for without seeing it in action.  Let's try out some asynchronous JavaScript!

Let's say we have a mother sloth who is going grocery shopping.  She has four grocery lists, each with things in one aisle, and she wants them to be in order since it takes forever for a sloth to climb through a whole grocery store, let alone the checkout line.

To get the grocery lists, make a folder called sloths and copy this to a file
in sloths called grocerylists.js and run it with node grocerylists.js:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.writeFileSync('aisle1.txt', 'Hibiscus juice\nHibiscus flowers\n');
fs.writeFileSync('aisle2.txt', 'Carrots\nLeaves\n');
var aisle3 = fs.openSync("aisle3.txt", 'w');
fs.writeSync(aisle3, 'Pillows\n');
for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
fs.writeSync(aisle3, 'Blankets\n');
fs.writeFileSync('aisle4.txt', 'Algae shampoo\n');

Now the sloths folder will have the grocery lists generated.  As I mentioned in my last tutorial, Node can be used for things other than web servers, like making scripts for automating tasks.  And generating aisle3.txt by hand would be really annoying to do, so Node scripts really come in handy here.

So, we have the files.  Now to get them in order.

Put this into first-attempt.js:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('aisle1.txt', function(err, data){ //1
  if (err)                                     //2
    throw err;
  console.log(data.toString());                //3
fs.readFile('aisle2.txt', function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;
fs.readFile('aisle3.txt', function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;
  var lines = data.toString().split('\n');     //4
  for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
    if (lines[i][0] != 'Z')
fs.readFile('aisle4.txt', function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;

Here's what's going on:

1. The main function we are using, fs.readFile, takes in the name of the file we
want to read and a callback function that gets called after the file is read.

2. The callback's first parameter, err, represents any errors that occurred
during the call to fs.readFile (which is null if there are no errors).  We handle
errors in these calls to fs.readFile by throwing them.

3. The callback's second parameter, data, represents the contents of the file.
In the callbacks for each call to fs.readFile, we log the items for the grocery
list with console.log.

Also, note the use of data.toString().  In fs.readFile, the data starts out as
a Buffer, so if we simply did console.log(data), we would just get back the
hexadecimal representation of the text rather than the text itself, so we convert
it with Buffer.toString().

4. When the mother sloth was writing aisle3.txt, she was writing down pillows and blankets, but then she needed to get her 16 hours of sleep* so she fell asleep with her claw on the Z key, leaving 5000 lines of Z's between pillows and blankets.  So to process the data in aisle3.txt, we are splitting the data into lines and only logging lines that don't start with Z.

Now run node first-attempt.js and you should get something like this

or maybe this

Pretty much it could be anything, but it's rarely ever the right order.  Those files are being read at the same time, and while the files for aisles 1, 2, and 4 are short, aisle3.txt is really long, so it's almost always the last one to be written even though reading started for aisle3.txt before aisle4.txt.

And since the files for aisles 1, 2, and 4 are so close to each other in length, what order the three calls to fs.readFile() finishes in is not guaranteed.

Well that's inconvenient.  But what if there was a way to read them in the order we called them in?  Well, actually, we can.  Write this in grocery-sync.js:

var fs = require('fs');

var aisle1 = fs.readFileSync('aisle1.txt'),
    aisle2 = fs.readFileSync('aisle2.txt'),
    aisle3 = fs.readFileSync('aisle3.txt'),
    aisle4 = fs.readFileSync('aisle4.txt');


var lines = aisle3.toString().split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
  if (lines[i][0] != 'Z')

fs.readFileSync is the synchronous version of fs.readFile.  Instead of the results of reading the file going into a parameter for a callback function, the results of fs.readFileSync are returned as a Buffer.  The rest is basically what happened in the callbacks of each call to fs.readFile in the last file.

Now run it with node grocery-sync.js and you should be getting this:

We have the right order and much simpler code now but there's one problem.  fs.readFileSync and the synchronous versions of many other asynchronous functions work by holding up everything else going on in Node's one thread, which is called blocking.  So if the mother sloth wants to brew some hibiscus tea, she can't do that while the script is reading aisle3.txt.

But what if when we called fs.readFile for one file we had the callback of that read call fs.readFile for the next read?  Then we'd still be using the asynchronous version of fs.readFile, so the thread wouldn't block and as the files get processed, the mother sloth could drink some hibiscus tea.

Put this code into grocery-callbacks.js:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('aisle1.txt', function(err, data){       //1
  if (err)
    throw err;
  fs.readFile('aisle2.txt', function(err, data){     //2
    if (err)
      throw err;
    fs.readFile('aisle3.txt', function(err, data){   //3
      if (err)
        throw err;
      var lines = data.toString().split('\n');
      for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
        if (lines[i][0] != 'Z')
      fs.readFile('aisle4.txt', function(err, data){ //4
        if (err)
          throw err;
for (var temp = 30; temp <= 212; temp++)             //5
  if (temp == 212)
    console.log("Tea's ready!");

Run node grocery-callbacks.js and you should get this:

So here's what's going on:

1. The first call to fs.readFile gets the contents of aisle1.txt, checks for an error, logs the file's contents, and then calls the second call to fs.readFile.
2. The second call to fs.readFile gets the contents of aisle2.txt, checks for an error, logs the file's contents, and then calls the third call to fs.readFile.
3. The third call to fs.readFile gets the contents of aisle3.txt, checks for an error, processes the file's contents, logs the grocery list items, and then calls the last call to fs.readFile.
4. The last call to fs.readFile gets the contents of aisle4.txt, checks for an error, and logs the file's contents.
5. While this is going on, the mother sloth is brewing her tea and is drinking it as the asynchronous code prepares her grocery list.

Now the code works and the grocery lists are in order.  And notice how as all the files were being processed, some tasty hibiscus tea was brewing and was ready before the first file was even read?  This is what people are talking about when they mention how awesome Node's nonblocking I/O is.  As I mentioned earlier, when those calls to fs.readFileSync were going on, Node was blocking, so anything after those calls would happen after they finished, and code for I/O is some of the slowest code out there.  This is why we want to use the asynchronous versions that are nonblocking so other things going on in the program don't have to wait.  So next time you have some hibiscus tea, remember that its fruity-minty flavor is brought to you by nonblocking I/O!

So, it looks like we tamed the beast of asynchronous code.  Well, we did get the code to work in the correct order, but as far as style goes, there's still a problem.

See how we have all those nested callbacks?  Those end up making the code go further and further to the right with each callback, creating what we Node developers call "The Pyramid of Doom", or "Callback Hell".

Callback Hell is a common problem in Node, but with many solutions, and to hear about ways out of Callback Hell, I highly recommend giving a read.  I will present one of the solutions, which is giving the callback functions names instead of defining them on the fly.  Put this into named-callbacks.js:

var fs = require('fs');

var aisle1 = function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;
  fs.readFile('aisle2.txt', aisle2);

var aisle2 = function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;
  fs.readFile('aisle3.txt', aisle3);

var aisle3 = function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;
  var lines = data.toString().split('\n');
  for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
    if (lines[i][0] != 'Z')
  fs.readFile('aisle4.txt', aisle4);

var aisle4 = function(err, data){
  if (err)
    throw err;

fs.readFile('aisle1.txt', aisle1);

for (var temp = 30; temp <= 212; temp++)
  if (temp == 212)
    console.log("Tea's ready!");

The callback functions are a bit redundant, but now the callbacks still run in
order with no Pyramid of Doom.

Here's how it works:

  • fs.readFile('aisle1.txt', aisle1) reads aisle1.txt and then calls the aisle1 function as its callback to process the contents of the file.
  • aisle1 displays the contents of aisle1.txt and then calls fs.readFile to read aisle2.txt with aisle2 as its callback function.
  • aisle2 displays the contents of aisle2.txt and then calls fs.readFile to readaisle3.txt with aisle3 as its callback function.
  • aisle3 processes the contents of aisle3.txt and then displays the grocery list items and then calls fs.readFile to read aisle4.txt with aisle4 as its callback function.
  • aisle4 displays the contents of aisle4.txt, finishing off the series of callbacks.

Like before, the mother sloth can make some hibiscus tea while this is all going

Now, while the mother sloth was grocery shopping, her baby sloth was at Sloth
Preschool, where sloths learn important skills of slothfulness, like how to
climb trees, take a nap in the branches, and find leaves to eat.  And today is
an important day in Sloth Preschool.  Today the baby sloths will be singing the
Sloth Alphabet, which of course is:

(save this to alphabet.txt)


Now I know my ZZZ's!  In 9 hours I'll climb some trees.

And the mother sloth wants to take a picture with her baby and post it on her website.  But the family photo has to be after her baby is finished singing, so how do we do that?

First save this to alphabet.html:

<title>Sloth family photo</title>
    <h1>My baby sloth knows the alphabet!</h1>
    <img src="http://localhost:34313/sloths.jpg" />

Then download this and save it to sloths.jpg in the sloths folder:

Then save this to alphabet.js:

var http = require('http'),
    fs   = require('fs');
var SLOTH = 'image/jpeg';

http.createServer(function(req, res){
  if (req.url == '/sloths.jpg') {
    fs.readFile('sloths.jpg', function(err, data){         //1
      if (err)
        throw err;
      res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Length' : data.length,
        'Content-Type'   : SLOTH
  else {
    fs.readFile('alphabet.txt', function(err, data){       //2
      if (err)
        throw err;
      fs.readFile('alphabet.html', function(err, data){    //3
        if (err)
          throw err;
        res.writeHead(200, {
          'Content-Length' : data.length,
          'Content-Type'   : 'text/html'
        res.end(data, 'UTF-8');
        console.log('Finished sending the HTTP response'); //4
      console.log(data.toString());                        //4
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});

and run it with node alphabet.js

and if you request localhost:34313, you should get this:

with this in the console

Here's how it works:

1. When sloths.jpg is requested the filesystem reads in the picture asynchronously, checks for an error, and then sends the picture in JPEG form (with the "SLOTH" Content-Type) as the response, just like in the example in the last tutorial.

2. When the main page is requested, the filesystem first reads in alphabet.txt

3. In its callback, it checks for an error and then calls fs.readFile for the
HTML page at alphabet.html, which is sent as HTML in the callback to that call to fs.readFile

4. At the end of the callback for reading in the alphabet, the sloth alphabet is printed to the console.  At the end of the callback for reading in the HTML, "Finished sending the HTTP response" is printed to the console.  Notice that the sloth alphabet is printed first.  This shows the asynchronous code in action again; while the filesystem is reading the HTML page, Node can output the contents of alphabet.txt.

So now we've seen asynchronous code, how it avoids blocking the thread, how synchronous I/O can be used to do I/O in order, how to impose an order on your asynchronous code when you need things to be in order, a way to avoid Callback Hell, and how asynchronous code can be used on an HTTP server in Node.

This should give you a good starting point for understanding asynchronous code in Node, but as I mentioned before, this tutorial was meant to only scratch the surface.  To get a stronger understanding and hear about how this works internally, I recommend taking a look at these tutorials for the JavaScript event loop in general:

And this screencast to hear more about asynchronous JavaScript works in Node.

For this tutorial, I'd like to thank Sally Lee for drawing these adorable pictures of the sloths and the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica for showing the world how cute sloths are!  Next up, time to move on to express.js!

*NOTE: Sloths don't actually sleep 16 hours a day.  They actually sleep more like 9
hours a day, so about as much as a college freshman.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Andy's Node Tutorial Part 1: Nothing But Node

Welcome to my Node.js tutorial!  In this tutorial series, I am going to teach Node.js from writing simple servers to making a social networking site for track and field athletes using the full MEAN Stack.  It's going to mainly focus on the four technologies that spell out the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js), but it will also teach about other programming skills like using other people's APIs and how to put Vim in your muscle memory.

Before we start, there are two things I need to mention:
  • This tutorial series assumes you are familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  If you aren't, here are some tutorials I recommend:
    • For all of those languages, provides interactive tutorials.  I haven't tried the ones for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but I did like the one in Ruby since you get to test your code right there.
    • For HTML and CSS, if you would rather read a book, I strongly recommend Head First HTML and CSS.  The book has a lot of pages, but it's a very easy read, with a lot of its material in plain English.  It's also the first thing I read to learn web development.
    • For JavaScript, if you are looking for a book I recommend Eloquent JavaScript.  There are also JavaScript tutorials all over the Internet since the language is so popular.
  • Even though I have made some cool stuff in Node, I'm actually still learning Node myself.  So if you think I got something wrong or I'm leaving something important or just plain cool out, please let me know so I can either update the tutorial to share your insights.

So, what exactly is Node.js?  Well, if you're like me, you heard about how it's what all the cool kids use for developing their totally jammin' and radical web apps instead of beefing it by programming with frameworks that you should be far less aight with.  But, my outdated slang aside, Node is a very popular tool for building web apps.  And scripts.  And robots.  Yes, actual robots.  It can be used for a lot of different things, as its fast-growing community will show you, but web development is the most popular use for Node.js, so to kick off this tutorial series, I am going to teach you how to make some tiny web servers.

First, go to and click install.  This will download the installer.  Installation for Node was pretty straightforward for me on Windows and Ubuntu, but if you have any issues with installing, Joyent, who sponsors Node, has more detailed information at

Once you have Node installed, create a new directory and in that directory go into your favorite text editor and write this:

var http = require('http');           //1
var hello = 'Hello world!';

http.createServer(function(req, res){ //2, 3
  res.writeHead(200, {                //4
    'Content-Length' : hello.length,
    'Content-Type'   : 'text/plain'
  res.end(hello, 'UTF-8');            //5
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');}); //6

and save it to hello-world.js.  Before I explain the code, from the command line go to the same directory as the file and run node hello-world.js and then in your browser go to http://localhost:34313 and you should see this:

Pretty cool, just nine lines of code and you got an HTTP server you can access from your computer!  When you're done, go back to the command line and press ctrl-C to turn off the HTTP server.  Now here's what's going on in that server:

1. In the first line, var http = require('http');, you are requiring Node's http module, which you need to do if you are using Node for web development.

2. http is a Node module with a lot of functions, and one of the functions it comes with is http.createServer, which creates the server.  The function http.createServer takes in is used to process HTTP requests.

3. The parameters of the function http.createServer takes in, req and res, are an HTTP request and an HTTP response.  When you go to a webpage, an HTTP request is passed in, which is processed by the server, and then an HTTP response is sent back to the browser.  So this function is what processes the HTTP request and sends back the HTTP response.

4. The first line of the function writes the HTTP response's header, which the browser will use to process the response.
  • 200 is the "OK" status code, which pretty much means the HTTP request worked right.
  • Content-length is the length of the content being sent back in the response, which in this case is the length of the string "Hello world!".  Then, the second line,
  • 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain', means this response is supposed to be processed as plain text.
5. The next line, res.end(hello, 'UTF-8');, sends the "hello world" message as the body of the HTTP response with UTF-8 (Unicode) as its text encoding.

6. That whole function makes the server.  The line .listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});, makes it so that the HTTP server you created will be listening for HTTP requests on port 34313 (If you know the significance of that number, high five!).

But this server doesn't just do plain text.  You can also serve HTML with the server.  Replace that hello string with some HTML.  Try putting this into hello-world-html.js

var http = require('http');

var helloHTML = '<html
<title>First HTML page rendered in Node!</title>'+
<p>Hello world!</p>'+

http.createServer(function(req, res){
  res.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Length': helloHTML.length,
    'Content-Type'  : 'text/plain'
  res.end(helloHTML, 'UTF-8');
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});

and run it with node hello-world-html.js and you should be getting this in your browser:

Wait a minute, didn't we want an actual HTML page and not just the text of some HTML?  Well, the call to res.end is giving us the data we want in the response body, but if we want the browser to treat this HTML as actual HTML, we need the response header to tell the browser that.  So replace 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' with 'Content-Type' : 'text/html' and run node hello-world-html.js again and you'll get this:

All right!  Now we served a real HTML webpage!  Now to make this more interesting by making a staple of 90s web development, the hit counter!  Make a new file called hit-counter.js and then put this in the file:

var http = require('http');
var hits = 0;                               //1

http.createServer(function(req, res){
  hits++;                                   //2

  var message = 'You are visitor #' + hits; //2
  res.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Length' : message.length,
    'Content-Type'   : 'text/plain'
  res.end(message, 'UTF-8');
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});

and run node hit-counter.js in the command line.  Go to localhost:34313 and you should see this:

Besides the code for the actual hit counter, the code is identical to the code from the first server we made.  Here are the changes:

1. When the program is started, a variable "hits" is created that keeps track of the number of browser hits the server has gotten so far.
2. When the server gets a request, the function increments the number of hits and then tells you how many hits the page has so far.  Note that the hit count goes up with each hit; from when the program starts in the command line to when the server is stopped with ctrl-C, the same program in hit-counter.js is running, so the variable hits does not reset until the program stops.

So far we've worked with the response, but none of our code has touched the HTTP requests, so let's take a closer look at the request.  Go into any of the programs we've made so far and in the function for handling HTTP requests, put in the code console.log(req); as a line and take a look in the terminal and you'll see something like this:

That big pile of code is actually parts of the request; req and res are both JavaScript objects.  One part of the request to check out is req.url.  This is basically a string of everything in the URL past localhost:34313.

So if you type in localhost:34313 in the browser, req.url is just '/'.  If you type in localhost:34313/index.html, req.url is '/index.html', and if you type in localhost:34313/somewhere-else, req.url is '/somewhere-else'.

So now let's try putting the request's url in the response.  Make a new file request-url.js and add in this code:

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function(req, res){
  var body = 'You requested: ' + req.url;

  res.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Length': body.length,
    'Content-Type'  : 'text/plain'
  res.end(body, 'UTF-8');
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});

and run node request-url.js and go to localhost:34313 and you will see this:

If you request localhost:34313/about, you will get this:

The code itself is almost identical to the original server we wrote, except for this:

var body = 'You requested: ' + req.url;

As you can see, it takes the request's URL and makes it part of the response.

So now we have served plain text and HTML, we've processed part of an HTTP request, and we've made a hit counter.  Now let's make something a little more slothy.  First, download this image to the same folder as all of your other files from this tutorial and save it as sloth.jpg

Now make a file called sloth.js and put this code in:

var http = require('http'),
    fs   = require('fs');
var slothHTML = '<html
<h1>Sloths for the win</h1>'+
<p><img src="http://localhost:34313/sloth.jpg" /></p>'+ //2

var SLOTH = 'image/jpeg';

http.createServer(function(req, res){
  if (req.url == '/sloth.jpg') {                                             //3
    fs.readFile('sloth.jpg', function(err, data){
      if (err)
        throw err;
      res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Length' : data.length,
        'Content-Type'   : SLOTH                                             //4
  else {
    res.writeHead(200, {                                                     //5
      'Content-Length' : slothHTML.length,
      'Content-Type'   : 'text/html'
    res.end(slothHTML, 'UTF-8');
}).listen(34313, function(){console.log('Now listening on Port 34313!');});

and run it with node sloth.js.  Go to localhost:34313/sloth.jpg and you will get this:

and if you go to localhost:34313, you will get this:

So here's what's going on in that code:

1.  For serving the sloth image, we need to load it in from its image file, we are using another built-in Node module, fs, which stands for filesystem, and is used for processing files.

2. When we load the webpage, we get this image tag <img src="http://localhost:34313/sloth.jpg" />, which is for the image of the sloth.  So to get the image, another HTTP request is made to http://localhost:34313/sloth.jpg in addition to the request for the actual page's HTML.

3. When an HTTP request is made for sloth.jpg, either by requesting localhost:34313/sloth.jpg or as part of the page rendered when we request localhost:34313, we run fs.readFile to get the image.  Then, when we have the image we do an HTTP response to serve the image.  Don't worry about the details of fs.readFile for now.  I will be talking about those in a later tutorial.

4. In order to serve the sloth image as an image, we need to set the Content-Type in the response header to 'image/jpeg', but I'm going to give them their own Content-Type, SLOTH!

5. If the page requested isn't sloth.jpg, the default is to serve the main HTML page.  So the sloth's page is served and then another HTTP request is made to get the image.

So, with just Node.js and two built-in modules, we built a server capable of serving HTML and images with under a kilobyte of code.  Awesome, but if we want to customize the server with things like URL parameters, routing, processing different parts of the request and response, serving responses for HTTP status codes other than 200, rendering dynamic pages, and other stuff servers do, it'd be possible to do with just Node but the code for our server would get bulky and disorganized really fast.

So in the next tutorial, we are going to look at express.js, a popular framework that does a lot of the server functionality for you, and it'll also be a great way for me to introduce you to one of my favorite parts of being a programmer, the programming community!